Tuesday, January 10, 2012

2012 horoscope

the following is out of sheer boredom and will be long!

i googled '2012 horoscope' and picked the first website on the list. now i shall try to make it fit my life XD


Renewed energy levels (yes please)are predicted for you this year which shall help you to achieve your long sought after goals in life (my Masters, i should hope). Your creative talents shall come to the forefront this year (its been very healthy lately.). Your wishes and aspirations shall materialize (i wish for my permit, $$$, Masters.). You ought to make some major sacrifices for family or home sake (how else to make $$ right?? the jobs i will be able to do will not be what i like at all!). Take life as it comes by and live it simply in a positive sense (dont i always?). Some laziness might set in during the last quarter of the year (duh, its the xmas period!). But beware that only strong actions shall give good rewards in life (DUH!).


Much orientation would be seen in your career front this year (considering i've been jobless for a long time and i NEED a job this year...). Though personal problems might drag your feet ( i wont like the job?), you shall come out with good colors in the professional field for this period ( oh joy.). Teamwork shall suit you well this time unlike the last few years. Be sure that you do not enter into loggerheads with authorities (which could be my in laws...) and peers in work place. The last quarter of the year shall bring profits much to your suprise (christmas gift money!!). New agreements and contracts can be signed during this period (please let it be my masters).


Savings shall be your keyword for the year of 2012 (damn straight!!!). It would come in handy during a rainy day. Prepare a balanced budget and make sure you stick to it. Profits are predicted for the year 2012, only if some audacity is practised. Some legal or career issues might make a dent in your purse during the middle of the year, hence beware (i have hopes to return to sg in the middle of the year..). The end of the year shall see you in good spirits as far as your financial standing is concerned (amen!).


Do not chew more than you can bite. Do not venture into relationship with whoever passes by (in short, dont cheat on my hubby). Communicate your desires to your partner in the right sense. Some difficulties would be encountered en-route this year as far relationships are concerned (as with all relationships.). Many sensual and intense moments in your relationship are forecast for the year ahead. The first quarter of the year shall bring in luck if you are single and in search of an ideal partner. If already into a contract, then some tensions are forecast. But that would soon pass off as the passing wind (as all tensions in my relationship always does).


You need to maintain a balanced lifestyle for goodness in health this year (hubby signing me up for gym with him). Else something bad might strike you any moment as you had in the previous few years (weight gain?). Of course, you need to enjoy the pleasures of the world, but let it be minimal. Do try your level best to maintain your shape and weight this year. The last quarter of the year shall see you in good health and cheer. Take ample time for rest, sleep and exercises for a more healthier you. hohohohohoho...

after going through all that, it seems ooo so related. but then i read the other horoscopes and find out its either very similar or i can easily make it fit my life too. ah, the ambiguity and vagueness is indeed fun.

now back to my crafting and tidying.


  1. OMG PLEASE COME BACK TO SG SOON!! Lets plan what you wanna do when you come! I will buck up on my driving and zoom zoom to places!! And then stuff ourselves with FOOOOD!! MUHAHAHAHAHA~!

    1. i miss you T___________________T

      ehh when i come back ah... i want to go out like we did when you were done with work. yell at the gps for screweing up, giggle in the car, and stop at random places for bubbletea or pasa malams.

      i miss tako balls, Old Town food, and so much other things! miss going to far east with you too!
